

The security needs of the market require comprehensive solutions that would include physical, electronic as well as computer and communication aspects. At BTV we allocate a high percentage of our resources to an exclusive R & D program divided into three distinct areas: Mechanics, Electronics and IT. All of them are involved in the ongoing work on research, development and innovation under the supervision and direct coordination from Management.

BTV is a company with a high degree of technological involvement. Its commitment to innovation in software and new tools is a constant effort aimed at productivity improvement. Detecting and responding quickly to the needs of the market is fundamental to guarantee this goal and that is why continuous research and contact with our customers are some of our main priorities.

We integrate the latest advances in the development of our products. 3D technology, for example, is fundamental for printing prototypes or the simulation of functionalities in our designs. We also make sure the appearance of our products is attractive and its effectiveness unquestionable. Improving the user experience is the raison d'être of our R & D program.


Being the developers of our own electronic systems allows us to better adapt to the needs of the client. Manufacturing of new products is always done by integrating innovative technological systems into the process. All this, together with a solid interdepartmental work policy based mainly on technical support for production, explains part of the success of our method of working.

Our commitment to research, development and innovation includes a constant commitment to training that allows us to keep up to date and get the most out of our work tools. Active participation in fairs, congresses and seminars is also essential for this purpose. Remaining active is crucial to obtain all necessary certifications that would validate our quality and theft resistance standards.

Finally, the BTV web portal has become the benchmark within the sector. Using this platform on the Internet, all our customers have real-time access to the status of their orders as well as search on stocks, offers, financial statements, etc. available in 24 hours. As part of our policy of constant revision and improvement, this platform is in a continuous process of updating so as to maximise its usability.